About Us

The Kuwait UQAB project is a citizen science effort undertaken by bird watchers and photographers of Kuwait Environmental Lens (KEL), sponsored by the Kuwait Foundation for the Advancement of Sciences (KFAS), and under the supervision of the Kuwait Environmental Protection Agency (KEPA). It aims to promote conservation of species and their habitats by supporting research and engagement by governments, academic and scientific institutions, conservation bodies and all ages of the general public. In early 2020 we fitted GPS tracking devices to eagles in the wetlands of Jahra Pools Nature Reserve. Although our ambitious plans for continued research in 2020-21 were affected by the pandemic, we have been able to follow those birds as they have migrated between their summering grounds in central Asia and their wintering grounds in Kuwait. We have also collected information on the ranging behavior of those birds during summer and winter. Those data have highlighted important features of the eagles’ ecology and the threats they face across their annual range. A better understanding of eagle ecology and the threats will help us conserve them.


Our mission is to educate and inspire people to treasure and protect nature through citizen science involvement, partnership with researchers and conservationists and relevant institutions, and public education at all levels of society. In doing so we seek to promote in all members of society an appreciation for the natural world, trust in science-based facts, and a willingness to use that information to create a better world.


Our vision is to conserve habitats and species to support a vital desert environment in Kuwait.


Kuwait Environmental Lens (KEL)

KEL is a volunteer team registered with the Ministry of Social Affairs in the State of Kuwait. The team’s mission is to spread environmental awareness to preserve the environment in the State of Kuwait.

Kuwait Foundation for the Advancement of Sciences (KFAS)

KFAS is a private non-profit organization established in 1976, which with the support of the private sector, strives to create and develop a thriving culture of science, technology and innovation for a sustainable Kuwait.

Dr. Mike McGrady (KEL Partner)

is an ecologist, specializing in raptors, including eagles. He has worked on a variety of projects over the past 30 years on raptors in Arabia, and has worked on raptors in Central Asia that migrate to Arabia.

Kuwait Environmental Public Authority (KEPA)

Established in 1995, KEPA has the general control over environmental affairs in the country, reporting to the Council of Ministers, under the supervision of the Supreme Council for the Environment.

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