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“Typical” GSE ranging at Al Jahra

Adult Greater spotted eagle soaring over Al Jahrah Pools, January 2022. © A. Al-Zaidan

We continue to track the Greater spotted eagles at Al Jahra Pools, Kuwait.  Those eagles will stay on their wintering grounds until their spring migration, which will probably start in April.

For the most part, the eagles are very settled on Al Jahra, and will remain at the reserve throughout the winter period.  Below are maps of what one of the eagles (6490) has done since being fitted with a transmitter, and what it did on a single day.  6490’s behaviour, as illustrated in these maps, is “typical” in that the eagle has stayed almost exclusively within the reserve area (although on one day it did fly in a big loop out over the water).

In coming posts we’ll show how other eagles have ranged since being tagged in December, so come back when those posts are made.

The movement of a Greater spotted eagle (6490) wintering at Al Jahra during Dec 2021 – Jan 2022. © KFAS/KEL/IAR

The movement of a Greater spotted eagle (6490) wintering at Al Jahra during 3 February 2022. © KFAS/KEL/IAR


Dr. Mike McGrady

is an ecologist, specializing in raptors, including eagles. He has worked on a variety of projects over the past 30 years on raptors in Arabia, and has worked on raptors in Central Asia that migrate to Arabia.

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