Blog Posts

Five GSEs Fitted with Tracking Devices in December

Fitting a GPS-GSM tracking device to a Greater spotted eagle in Kuwait.

In December 2021 the project made a breakthrough.  The Kuwait Environmental Lens (KEL) team was able to capture five Greater spotted eagles (GSE), and fit them with transmitters. This of course will provide important and interesting data for the life of the tags, but it also gave team members the opportunity to train in trapping techniques, handling of raptors, and fitting transmitters to eagles.  The successes in trapping also boosted the morale of the KEL/KFAS team.

Below is a list of the GSEs we are now tracking. All have been fitted with numbered rings that you might be able to read with binoculars or by taking a photo and zooming in.  If you are able to read a ring, let us know by leaving a comment on the blog.  Although the tracking data are interesting and important, nothing beats a direct visual observation of a bird.

Ring Transmitter Number Date Captured Age
M8-64 6488 15-Jan-2020 Adult of unknown age
M8-50 6492 8-Mar-2020 1
M8-29 6490 15-Dec-2021 Adult of unknown age
M8-27 6489 15-Dec-2021 3
M8-40 6491 16-Dec-2021 1
M8-30 8648 18-Dec-2021 2
M9-70 8749 19-Dec-2021 2

Additionally, the UQAB website has been launched that gives a more complete overview of the project, and you can access the blog through that website, too.  Of course, you can leave comments and report sightings of ringed (and unringed) of Greater spotted eagles on the UQAB website. too.

A free-flying Greater spotted eagle fitted with a tracking device and wintering at Al Jahra, Kuwait. © Jasem AlMotar.

In coming blog posts, we’ll try to keep you up to date with the movements of the tagged birds.  For now, and until spring they will stay on the wintering grounds, mostly around Al Jahra.  We expect to be posting every few days, so return often to the blog to keep up.  Also, share the blog with your friends.


Dr. Mike McGrady

is an ecologist, specializing in raptors, including eagles. He has worked on a variety of projects over the past 30 years on raptors in Arabia, and has worked on raptors in Central Asia that migrate to Arabia.

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