
Conservation importance

Top predators, like eagles, are of particular importance to the habitats they occupy as they help regulate the populations of the animals on which they prey, and in so doing the entire ecosystem below them, right down to “lower” organisms like plants and insects. By working to conserve top predators we, in effect, work to conserve whole ecosystems, and in doing so we humans benefit from a healthier environment. Fortunately, eagles are also charismatic flag species, and are associated with characteristics of strength, and loyalty. Indeed, throughout history, countries and kings have chosen eagles and other raptors to symbolize these desirable characteristics. That charisma can draw people to the cause of conservation in general, and by conserving flagship raptors like the Greater spotted eagle, important plants and animals in their habitats will also benefit, even if they are not so charismatic.

Conservation efforts

Conservation is a joint undertaking that includes researchers, professional conservation workers and institutions, and governments. Most importantly, conservation is a public effort that needs children and adults, rich and poor, educated and uneducated of all religions in all nations to work together. Importantly conservation of species and their habitats is basic to the well-being and survival of humans because the species and habitats that comprise our world underpin human health and efforts to reduce global poverty.

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